what to do if gasoline went inside the ear canal?

  1. of gasoline today!

    I took my 55 gal. airplane gas pulsate to Love's today to get some fuel for the airplane. Equally I was filling, the pulsate, which is almost head loftier in the dorsum of my truck, the nozzle came out of the hole, doused the right half of my body from caput to toe, and sprayed all over the ground earlier I could regain control. As I was putting the nozzle back into the drum, I realized that the thing has shot me right in the ear as it flew out, and the inside of my ear began hurt like the dickens. As the pain became unbearable, I glanced around an found a h2o hose with a spray nozzle on it. I stuck the nozzle tip in my ear and flushed it for a few minutes. The pain subsided pretty soon and I was able to finish up my transaction nonetheless soaked with gas. I went on home, jumped in the shower and further flushed my ear with water for several minutes. I call up it'll be okay, but I guarantee you that's the start time I've e'er heard of anyone shooting their ear full of gas.

    The moral of the story: Don't be a dumbass :D

  2. jhausch

    jhausch Cleared for Takeoff

    Mar 17, 2008

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    Good thing you didn't relieve your stress with a smoke. :)
  3. I've felt the pain. A few years agone I was back seat in a Supercub with a guide buddy doing the flight as we looked for sheep in the Alaska Range. The plane was packed. Forth the mode my donkey started to feel hot. I figured it was just the cushion so I shifted around oftentimes and all it did was get worse. I finally stuck my hand down to rub my barrel and it got wet. WTF? Information technology didn't take long to recognize that my ass, my clothes, and the seat were saturated with gas. It hurt, too. I told my buddy and down valley we went to the closest LZ nosotros could get to. The wind was howling and not favorable just we both wanted out of the plane until we could ready the problem. Every bit soon as both anxiety hit the dirt I stripped buck naked and found babe wipes in my gear to try to get the gasoline off. We institute a gas can had worked nether the seat and my weight bouncing on it had let fuel out the vent. We wrung out the seat and aired the plane, which was aided past the howling winds, and took dorsum off. Scary stuff. Gasoline in your sensitive parts certain does hurt!
    Final edited: Aug fourteen, 2015
  4. True.
    Considering then we'd run into smoke coming out of his ears ... :lol:
  5. Yours is better, but this is what came to my listen.
  6. Ouch! That does hurt.

    I one time had my pes get soaked while riding cross-state.
    Pulled into a gas station and doused it with h2o as well equally I could. Pain subsided, a bit. A week or so after, the skin peeled off in a canvas.

    I hope your ear stays attached!

  7. Dang! I promise my eardrum doesn't peel. I'm hoping that getting it rinsed out within a minute or and so volition minimize any damage. Fingers crossed.
  8. N5922S

    N5922S Line Up and Wait

    Jan 27, 2012

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    A friend of mine flew KC135 tankers for decades. He has a not bad story about getting himself, his co-airplane pilot, and the whole cockpit doused, then doing an emergency landing with all electricals off. Seems the junior officer saw a valve and said, "what'due south this do?" D'OH :rolleyes2:
  9. Endeavour getting doused with Skydrol.

  10. Well played, sir. :D
  11. One time out in the field in Frg I was fueling upwards a M113 (armored personnel carrier) and the nozzle blew out of the fill tube, and I managed to completely soak myself with diesel fuel. I did have another compatible packed, just I had no access to a shower, or soap and water. That was a miserable week.
  12. Yikes!! :(

    Worst 100ll dousing I've had so far was last winter at a fuel stop I'd never used before. Managed to let the nozzle skid and got sprayed in the face and all over my coat. I wiped my face up off right away and didn't suffer any (immediate) ill effects, but the smell coming from my coat made me pretty sick on the flight back. Luckily it was just a one-half hour flying back to home base and I had a spare coat in my auto, but I was still smelling it for a couple of days afterward.

    Since then I've been extra careful at the pumps, but some are so awkward to handle that it's spring to happen again eventually.

    Hey, it could exist worse. Think if you were a turbine driver...

  13. In that location is some foreign geometry to the filler neck on the Hughes 500. Not knowing this, as a brand new lineman during college at the local airport, I proceeded to let the matter blow out full bore and coat my unabridged front with Jet A, too as a picayune getting into my rima oris. That was really awesome. Jet A feels fantastic on your skin :)
  14. eman1200

    eman1200 Touchdown! Greaser! PoA Supporter

    Mar 10, 2013

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    Although non fuel related......
    In loftier school I worked at jiffy lube. Y'all know those pump guns they employ to make full oil and whatnot? Well on the day I knew I was quitting I went downstairs and had an all out boxing with someone else who clearly didn't intendance about his job with the oil gun and transmission fluid gun. Nosotros were covered head to toe in that gunk. As funny as it was at the time, it was i of those things I wished I hadn't washed.....really f-ing nasty. Pretty sure that sht got in my ears as well.
    I take other awesome jiffy lube stories only I'll save them for a more than advisable thread.


Source: https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/i-got-an-ear-full.84974/

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