Martin Luther King When He Was a Baby

 Martin Luther King

6. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Martin Luther King, Jr., was a black clergyman from Atlanta, Georgia. When King was a child, he learned that black people and white people did not mix in public places. Black people sat in different parts of restaurants and movie theaters. Black people sat at the back of the bus. Black and white children went to different schools. This kind of separation is called segregation.

    King loved to study. He was a good student and went to college at a young age. He was only fifteen years old. When he finished college, he began to fight segregation. He did not believe in violence. He believed in peace. He helped black people to protest in peace. They went on marches in peace.

    King also wanted equality for everybody. He wanted black and white men and women to have an equal chance in the United States. This is called the civil rights movement. In 1963, King was the leader of the civil rights march on Washington, D.C. Thousands of people listened to his famous speech. It begins, "I have a dream."

    In 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest person to get the Nobel Peace Prize. This award is for people who try to make peace in the world. In 1968, an assassin killed King. He was only thirty-nine years old. His birthday, January 15, is a national holiday in the United States.


1. What was the Martin's huge discovery when he was a child?
a. Black people didn't go to the theatre.
b. It was a strict separation between black and white people.
c. White people didn't study at school.

2. At what age did Martin finish his studying?
a. At 15
b. At 16
c. At 17

3. What could not King accept?
a. Cruelty
b. Equality
c. Weakness

4. Where did King make his famous speech beginning "I have a dream"?
a. At college.
b. In Washington D.C.
c. On the stage, when he got the Nobel Prize.

5. What was special about King's getting the Nobel Prize?
a. He was the oldest person.
b. He was the first who had ever gotten it.
c. He was the youngest person to get it.

6. What date, connected with Martin, became a national holiday in the USA?
a. The day of his death.
b. The day of his most famous march.
c. The day of his birth.

7. What is the antonym for the word 'violence' (paragraph 2)?
a. Kindness
b. Cruelty
c. Aggressiveness
d. Strength


1 – b 2 – a 3 – a 4 – b 5 – c 6 – c 7-a

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Martin Luther King When He Was a Baby


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