Funny Someecards About a Break From Kids

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I daydream about taking a parenting sabbatical. What would life be like if I could wake up in the morning and put myself first? Without a diaper to change, mouths to feed, bodies to dress, and the hustle and bustle of getting to the kids bus stop on time?

I imagine leisurely weekday mornings where I have time to sip my cup of tea in peaceful solitude. I would eat my breakfast undisturbed, without the flurry of a toddler dismantling the living room. I would meditate and go for a morning run. Complete my errands in the afternoon, stopping for a manicure and pedicure, without worrying I would miss the school bus. I could write during the day, instead of stolen moments at night when everyone else is in bed, and I am fighting exhaustion. Retire to bed at a reasonable hour, rather than remain at my desk until the early hours of the morning — envious of my partner snoring soundly upstairs.

Oh, sleep. Sleep would change everything. With extra zzz's, my skin would be radiant and my temperament delightful. I would have a bangin' body, because sleep aids weight loss. Those last 10 pounds of baby weight? They'd be released effortlessly, restoring me to my former sex-kitten status. I could be a "morning person" — that elusive concept everyone raves about — with enough energy to do the things I often want to do (like attend a girl's night out without stifling my yawns at 9 p.m.).

I dream of a vacation — sans children. I could attend a writer's retreat. The thought of writing in a picturesque environment, free from distraction, seems marvelous. Other times, I imagine traveling to an exotic locale just to relax. I visualize strolling down a secluded beach, sailing on a glass-bottom boat, or spending afternoon's exploring a foreign city. A city where no one knows my identity, or places demands on my time. Somewhere I am not expected to act like someone's mother.

Though this parenting sabbatical has been a longtime fantasy, it is not one I've shared openly. My partner is generous and puts just as much effort into being a good father as he does building his career. He works hard to provide for our family, and I do not want to appear ungrateful. I would never want to make him feel like the life we have created is not enough.

While I believe every parent fantasizes about taking a break, I know what happens to women that do — they become social pariahs. Like my aunt who temporarily left her husband and kids to run off with a young lover, or my mother's friend who abandoned her family. When a father alters his life, it is dismissed as a "mid-life crisis." But when a mother does it, she is in obvious need of a psychiatric evaluation. Fortunately, I don't have a lover-in-waiting or desire a change quite as dramatic.

When you become a mother, though, life changes forever. Caught up in the hectic pace of life, you start making everyone else a priority. It is easy to lose sight of your hopes and dreams and what makes you happy. You will always have flashbacks of your life before babies and marvel at the freedom you once had. Embracing life as a parent without sacrificing your individuality can be a challenge.

Still, I would never trade the life I have now for the one I had when I was single. My fantasy parenting sabbatical cannot compare to the daily adventures of raising children. But maybe, just maybe, it signifies a very real need to find ways to reconnect with the woman I once was — in order to become the mother I am meant to be.

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